442nd RCT Unit Roster

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x F Company (2nd Battalion)

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2nd Battalion, F Company (2nd Battalion)

442nd 2nd Battalion F Company

All members of the 442 2nd Battalion E Company Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Abe Sadaichi ‘Charlie’ 2ndBn.F-Co Sgt Aburamen Masao Richard 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Agina Masa 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Ajioka James 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Akahoshi Frank Y. 2ndBn.F-Co Pvt Akins Thomas William 2ndBn.F-Co Major Akiyama Robert T. 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Akiyama  Zentaro G. 2ndBn.F_Co T/Sgt Andow Roy H. 2ndBn.F-Co T/Sgt Anzai James H. 2ndBn.F_Co Pfc Aoki Sam Isamu 2ndBn.F-Co SFC Aoyagi Ben S. 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Aoyagi Kazuya Dave 2ndBn.F-Co Pvt Aoyama Chikara 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Arakawa  James Yasushi 2ndBn.F_Co Pfc Aratani Shigemi 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Arikawa Frank Nobuo 2ndBn.F_Co Pfc Arita Takashi 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Asaba Takahiko 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Bates Clifford L. 2ndBn.F-Co Pvt Bates Richard S. 2ndBn.F-Co Pfc Bianco Francis Richard 2ndBn.F-Co 2nd Lt Brown Harold M. 2ndBn.F-Co 1st...

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