442nd 522nd Field Artillery Battalion Battery C
All members of the 522nd Field Artillery Battalion Battery C Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Akagi Nelson Takeo 522.C-Battery Cpl Akamine Tsutomu Michael 522.C-Battery Cpl Amano Makoto Bill 522.C-Battery Pvt Arai Haruo 522.C-Battery Pvt Araki Mamoru 522.C-Battery Sgt Baba Takashi Thomas 522.C-Battery Sgt Briner Doyle G 522.C-Battery 1st Lt Clark William C. 522.C-Battery 2nd Lt Craig James A. 522.C-Battery 2nd Lt Doiwchi Shiyo 522.C-Battery Cpl Domoto Lyman 522.C-Battery Pfc Eyerly Roger C 522.C-Battery 1st Lt Fujimoto Tsutomu 522.C-Battery Pfc Gibu Tadashi 522.C-Battery Pfc Goto Tomoichi 522.C-Battery Tec/4 Hara Masami 522.C-Battery Tec/4 Hashizume Louis T. 522.C-Battery Pfc Higa George Y. 522.C-Battery Pvt Higa Sadaichi 522.C-Battery Pfc Hiranaka Yoshio 522.C-Battery Pfc Hirano Toru 522.C-Battery T/Sgt Hirasaki Manabi 522.C-Battery Pfc Hirashima Takeo 522.C-Battery Tec/4 Hirata Hideo 522.C-Battery...
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