442nd RCT Annual Banquet
The 442nd Regimental Combat Team Annual Banquet has been rescheduled once again to Saturday, March 26, 2022. It was originally planned for three different dates in 2021.
When Saturday, 26 March 2022
Time 10:00am-1:00pm
Where Hale Ikena, Building 711, Morton Drive, Fort Shafter
Cost tbd per person (WWII 442nd Veterans/spouses/widows complimentary)
Note There will be a slight increase over the 2020 cost of $39 due to a possible 2022 increase from Hale Ikena.
Registration: Save the date for now – further information for registration will be sent in due time.
For planning purposes it would be really helpful to have a rough estimate of the number of attendees. Could you please reply to this email address with a note as to whether your current expectation is that you will be attending, or will not be attending. If it is likely you will be attending, the number of adults and children in your party would be helpful for the Banquet Planning team to know. Please note: If there are still Covid-19 issues that would make this date untenable, it will be rescheduled again.
- 10:00am 442nd RCT logo item sales begin
- 10:30am Veterans photo shoot
- 10:50am Processional forms outside ballroom
- 11:00am Processional enters ballroom
- 11:15am Pledge of Allegiance, Star-Spangled Banner, Hawai’i Pono’i, Honoring the Fallen: A Moment of Silence, Invocation followed by opening of Hawaiian Luau Buffet
- Veteran photos. Please bring a framed photo of your Veteran(s). (8.5”x11” or smaller, please, due to space limitations) One family member will carry each photo in the Processional and place it on a table at the front of the ballroom.
- Processional. Will enter the ballroom in order of unit (Company or Battery). Veterans will lead their unit, as available.
- Questions. Contact Juanita Allen, (808) 840-0627.