Our annual Sons & Daughters of the 442 RCT Christmas Party was held on December 16, 2012 at the Treetops Restaurant in Manoa Valley. Thanks to our hardworking chairperson, Ann Kabasawa, it was filled with delicious food, fun games, fellowship and door prizes! Attending were 442 Veterans and spouses, Sons & Daughters of the 442RCT and their children and grandchildren. A General Membership Meeting was also held for the election of the 2013 officers. Our current officers were re-elected for the 2013 term. Our thank you to Wes Deguchi (President), Al Sadanaga (1st Vice-Presdient), Wade Wasano (2nd Vice-President), Susan Yoshitomi (Secretary), and Shirley Igarashi (Secretary) for voluntering in their respective positions and meeting the challenges of the coming year. Your time and dedication is appreciated by all. For those who were unable to attend, check out our photos and plan to attend in 1013, the date has been reserved for December 15, 2013 at the Treetops Restaurant in Manoa Valley.
Sons & Daughters of the 442RCT Christmas Party
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