Who We Are
“Perpetuation of the Legacy”
The 442nd Regimental Combat Team fought two battles in World War II: prejudice at home and the enemy in Europe. At the outbreak of the war, Japanese Americans faced suspicion and distrust. Executive Order 9066 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt sealed the fate of Japanese Americans living on the West Coast. They were placed in barbed wired internment camps, leaving behind property and possession.
Through turmoil and adversity at home, the men, mainly young but others mature and also with families, enlisted and went off to fight in a war far away. They fought with valor and honor. They fought for a country that doubted their loyalty. Many perished in fighting for what they believed in: their family, their home, their country.
By the war’s end, the Nisei soldiers, as they were sometimes called, gained respect and honor as a great military unit. To this day, the 442nd remains as the Army’s most highly decorated combat unit in U.S. history for its size and length of service.
As sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, nieces and nephews, and friends, we will never forget the dedication, sacrifice and courage of our 442nd soldiers. It is through their accomplishments that we are here today. It is through their valor that we take our place as citizens of this great country.
To ensure that this great legacy lives on; this is the mission of our organization.
What We Do
The Sons & Daughters of the 442nd RCT is a chapter of the 442 Veterans Club. We were established in 1993 and have been in existence for the past 20 years. Our primary function is to provide support to the Veterans. We assist in the planning and implementation of various activities such as the annual 442 Veterans Anniversary Banquet, various military activities and functions and the annual Joint Memorial Services at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific at Punchbowl.
In addition, our work involves education. We are committed to promoting the history of the 442 through education. There is a mounting collection of documents, artifacts, audio/visual material and wartime memorabilia in the Club’s archives. This priceless collection is part of our father’s legacy. It is part of a great story, which needs to be shared with not only today’s generation, but with future generations as well.
The concept of a new facility to properly house the archives is not new. There have been many discussions on this subject over the years. The time has come to take a step closer toward making this a reality. We need a facility that will help continue the legacy long after the founding members of the Veterans Club are gone. We need an educational center which will showcase the achievements of our fathers. A place of learning; a place of inspiration; a place of reflection. A place where our children’s children can learn about their great grandfathers.
Our focus this year is to reach out to all the sons and daughters, as well as grandsons and granddaughters and encourage them to get involved with our organization. There is much work to be done as we look to the task at hand. We need help as we work on the planning and implementation of a new educational facility.
Our membership is open to all direct descendants of those who served in the 442, as well as others who share a desire to perpetuate the legacy of this courageous unit. If you are interested, please go to the Membership Page of this website. There you will find an application form and instructions, which can be completed online or printed and mailed to us. If you have any questions about our membership, please feel free to send an email to us at.
The 442nd RCT Archives
The 442nd S&D Archives Committee’s mission is to support the 442nd Veterans Club Archives.
The Archives is the depository of related information on the history of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team from its inception (March 1943) to the present day.
We are here to provide assistance to people who wish to learn more about the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
We assist the 442nd Veterans Club Archives by developing educational displays and exhibits. We also provide the manpower to design, assemble, and transport these materials to the designated sites.
2024 Officers and Committees:
President: Wayne Kuwata
Vice President: Ann Kabasawa
Secretary: Juanita Wright Allen
Treasurer: Rodney Nakayama
Committees – under construction