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442 Sons & Daughters Events

Why We Did (and Do) It

Ed Goto, 442nd RCT Veteran’s Club, Past President

People have different reasons for joining the Sons and Daughters (S&Ds).  My wife, Genny, and I, started our journey by answering the call for help at the 50th Anniversary in 1993.  S&Ds working together to make that entire event a success brought new friendships and a desire to continue working to preserve the legacy of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team. (more…)

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442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

Sons & Daughters 2010 Christmas Party

The Sons & Daughters of the 442nd RCT annual Christmas Party was held on Sunday, December 19, 2010 at the Treetops Restaurant in Manoa. Although it was a rainy winter day, it did not dampen the festivities. There were lots to eat and everyone took home a door prize. Santa showed up and gave out presents for all the little ones, as well as to a few moms and dads.

Here are some of the photos taken at the party compliments of Wayne Iha.


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442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

442 Movie Night

The Sons and Daughters of the 100th/442nd RCT sponsored at social event call “442 Movie Night” on Saturday, February 26, 2011. Veterans, family members and friends gathered at the Club 100 in Honolulu for an evening of fun and fellowship. The program included dinner followed by the showing of the recently released documentary, “Live with Honor, Die with Dignity”. After the show, recognition was given to the veterans who attended the event.

The following photos of the evening were taken by Wayne Iha and Clyde Sugimoto:


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442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

Sons & Daughters 2011 General Membership Meeting

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Sons & Daughters of the 442nd RCT held their annual General Membership Meeting at Treetops Restaurant in Manoa, Honolulu, Hawaii. Approximately 50 people attended the dinner meeting. The causal setting allowed long time members to socialize. It also gave everyone the opportunity to meet a few new members as well.

One of the main functions of the meeting was the election of the officers for the organization for 2011. The following slate of officers were nominated and voted into office:


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442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

442SD General Membership Meeting

The Sons & Daughters of the 442 RCT held their annual General Membership Meeting on Sunday, May 20, 2012. The luncheon was held at the Treetops Restaurant in Manoa. Members were able to socialize over lunch and watch a short video presentation: “Going for Honor, Going for Broke: the 442 Story”, produced by George T. Johnston. The meeting included a brief update of the ongoing projects and events. In addition, the members also voted for the new officers for the Chapter:

Click below to view photos of the event, courtsey of Clyde Sugimoto.


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442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

Sons & Daughters of the 442RCT Christmas Party

Our annual Sons & Daughters of the 442 RCT Christmas Party was held on December 16, 2012 at the Treetops Restaurant in Manoa Valley.  Thanks to our hardworking chairperson, Ann Kabasawa, it was filled with delicious food, fun games, fellowship and door prizes!  Attending were 442 Veterans and spouses, Sons & Daughters of the 442RCT and their children and grandchildren. A General Membership Meeting was also held for the election of the 2013 officers.  Our current officers were re-elected for the 2013 term.  Our thank you to Wes Deguchi (President), Al Sadanaga (1st Vice-Presdient), Wade Wasano (2nd Vice-President), Susan Yoshitomi (Secretary), and Shirley Igarashi (Secretary) for voluntering in their respective positions and meeting the challenges of the coming year.  Your time and dedication is appreciated...

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442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

442 Movie Night 2013

Honolulu- 100th Infantry Battalion Clubhouse. On Saturday, August 31, 2013, the Sons & Daughters of the 442 hosted a dinner and movie night.  Family and friends of the 100th, 442, MIS and 1399 were invited to attend. A documentary of the late Senator Inouye, “Journey to Washington”, was the feature presentation. It was a fun filled evening with lots of food and lots of opportunities to meet new and old acquaintances.

Click below to view photos of the event, compliments of Clyde Sugimoto and Pat Thompson.


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442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

Sons & Daughters Of The 442nd RCT Christmas Party

The Sons & Daughters Of The 442nd RCT annual Christmas Party was held on December 15, 2013, Sunday morning at the Treetops Restaurant.  It was also our last monthly meeting of the year.  Sadly, it was our last get together at the Treetops Restaurant as the owner has decided to retire and close the restaurant.  Will miss the ono food that we have enjoyed for years. All who attended had a merry time with fantastic food, creative games, singing Christmas Caroles, and the arrival of Santa for the children!  There were prizes galore, everyone went home with a bagful of goodies. The elections of the 2014 officers was held and we would like to thank the following people for their time and service to the...

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442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

2015 442 S&D’s Family Christmas Party

A good time was had at the Family Christmas Party held in December by over a hundred 442 Sons & Daughters, members and their families and friends, including several of our cherished 442 veterans. Thank you to Ann Kabasawa for the planning and organizing, her gang of volunteers for setup, cleanup, donations, entertainment, and Santa and helpers. And thank you Sons and Daughters and S&D members and your families for making it a fun event!

Hope you enjoy the selection of photos below taken by Clyde and by Pat.

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442 Sons & Daughters Events, 442nd News, Past Events

2016 S&D Family Christmas Party

Photo of 442 veterans R. Kishinami, K. Ego and R. Nomura 2016 Sons and Daughters Family Christmas Party. The annual 442nd Sons & Daughters Family Christmas Party was held on Saturday, December 10, 2016 at the 100th Infantry Battalion Clubhouse with the attendance of a little over 100 individuals. It was an event filled with merriment and memories for all. We were honored by the presence of three 442nd RCT veterans – Kenji Ego, Robert Kishinami, and Richard Nomura. Ann Kabasawa continues to amaze everyone with her organizational skills in chairing this event for the past few decades. Her dedication and commitment to the organization should be applauded by us all. Lunch included an array of dishes such as tossed salad, fruit salad, a variety...

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442 Sons & Daughters Events

S&D members march in 2016 Veterans Day Parade

Sons & Daughters members march in 2016 Veterans Day Parade On November 11, 2016 a group of Sons & Daughters of the 442nd RCT members and others community members marched with a group of descendants from the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans (Rural Chapter) in the annual Veterans Day Parade in Wahiawa. Friday, November 11, 2016 was a bright and sunny day, resulting in our umbrellas being unnecessary and left in our cars. Sun screen, hats and dark glasses were more in order for the day. About a dozen members of the Sons and Daughters chapter walked in the annual Veterans Day parade up California Avenue, the main drag in the former plantation town of Wahiawa. We joined a group of descendants from the 100th Infantry...

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442 Sons & Daughters Events

History Day Project on 442nd RCT

History Day Project on the 442nd RCT Ms. Angelee Marshall, a Kahuku High and Intermediate School 7th grader (Oahu), contacted the S&D of the 442 RCT chapter to request information on the regiment with a questionnaire for her History Day documentary entry.  The request was shared with the 442nd Veterans Club members. We are grateful for Angelee’s contribution to the annual National History Day competition and to veteran Mr. Kenji Ego and others for submitting their answers to her questionnaire.  Here is a link to Angelee’s draft video, which she said she will be editing to correct some errors, We congratulate Angelee on winning her School and Windward (Oahu) District competition and heartily convey our very best wishes to Angelee for the State competition!...

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442 RCT Anniversary Banquet, 442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

Registration Info for the 442nd RCT 75th Anniversary Banquet

2.25.2018 Update It’s not too late to register for the 75th Anniversary of the 442nd RCT banquet! The deadline has been moved back to March 7. Please share this information with your friends and family. Important change: The doors will open at 9:30 instead of 10 AM. The plan is to start the procession into the ballroom at 10 AM; we hope folks can be in their seats by then. We made the change to keep the program as short as possible out of respect for our very elderly veterans. We are looking for volunteers to be Guidon Bearers representing all the 442 companies, to march in the opening procession. We have some volunteers, but are looking for more! If your veteran loved one is...

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442 RCT/Nisei Veteran Events, 442 Sons & Daughters Events, G Company, Past Events

2018 George Co. and Friends Reunion

2018 442nd George Company & Friends Reunion Aloha!! Everyone, Yes, we are having another George Company and Friends Reunion for 2018. This year our get together will take place in Alpine (near San Diego) at the beautiful Viejas Casino and Resort. Some of us will be going to Viejas to stay from Monday, the 23rd of April and checking out on the 26th. The actual dinner will be on Tuesday, the 24th and the hospitality luncheon at the Penthouse Suite will be on Wednesday, the 25th. Please find attached the information about the George Co. and friends Reunion. Please let everyone know……we are looking for a time of talking story and having fun together!!! Please be aware the deadline for rooms that we are holding...

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442 RCT/Nisei Veteran Events, 442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

Las Vegas Mini-Reunion 2018 registration

The 100th Infantry Battalion/442nd Regimental Combat Team/Military Intelligence Service/1399th Eng Construction Battalion Veterans & the Friends & Family of Nisei Veterans (FFNV) Las Vegas Mini-Reunion 2018 This year’s annual reunion hosted by the Friends & Family of Nisei Veterans (FFNV) will be held at the California Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas in October. Some of us are again joining with Lawson Sakai’s FFNV group. It was so enjoyable and fun last year Attend and you will be able to meet friends and families of the 100th, 442nd, MIS, 1399 and other friends from the West Coast and other areas. There will be a welcome banquet on Monday nite (15th) and and a farewell banquet luncheon on Wednesday (17th). We’ll as usual have our own...

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442 RCT Anniversary Banquet, 442 Sons & Daughters Events

Thank you from the 75th Anniversary Banquet planning committee

Thank you from the 442nd Regimental Combat Team 75th Anniversary Banquet planning committee Contributed by S&D member Mae Isonaga (and 442nd Legacy Center director) Mahalo to the Sons and Daughters of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team (S&D) for helping make the 442nd RCT’s 75th Anniversary Banquet, “Remembering – With Pride and Gratitude”, a success.  The monetary support and the hours of hard work by the S&D are greatly appreciated by the Banquet Committee.  The monetary donation helped pay registration and parking fees for veterans and their wives and for widows of veterans.  There were 47 veterans registered and 50 wives and widows.  Close to 600 people attended the March 18th, 2018 banquet at the Sheraton Waikiki Hotel. Special mahalo to Gwen Fujie, who planned a...

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442 RCT/Nisei Veteran Events, 442 Sons & Daughters Events, Past Events

13th Annual Joint Memorial Service

The 13th Annual Joint Memorial Service (JMS), honoring Japanese American Soldiers in World War II, will be held at 9:30 am on Sunday, September 30, 2018 at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, Honolulu, Hawaii.

The theme for this celebration is: “Remembering their sacrifice by challenging ourselves.”

Tom Coffman, author of books on the history and political development of Hawai’i, will be our keynote speaker.

Nisei veterans and their personal care attendants who would like to arrange for transportation to attend this ceremony should call 949-7997 (Mon-Thu) by September 14, 2018.

We hope that all Nisei veterans who can join us will take advantage of this free service.

For further information about the JMS, please contact Larry Enomoto, (808) 255-8971, JMS Co-Chair.

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442 Sons & Daughters Events

Assistance for One-Time “Free” Replacement of Military Awards & Decorations

PUBLIC SERVICE ASSISTANCE FOR A ONE-TIME “FREE” REPLACEMENT OF MILITARY AWARDS AND DECORATIONS Veterans of the 1399th Engineer Construction Battalion; 100th Infantry Battalion; 442nd Regimental Combat Team; Military Intelligence Service; and all other AJA World War II male/female veterans assigned to military unit(s) outside of the previously identified units. Honor and perpetuate the AJA World War II Veteran’s legacy and request a one-time “gratuitous” replacement of his/her authorized military awards and decorations through the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), and the Awards and Decorations Branch (ADB), US Army Human Resources Command (USAHRC). Jeff Morita, a retired US Army Sergeant First Class and GG-13, Department of the Army Civilian and member of the Sons & Daughters is pleased to offer his public service assistance for this...

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442 RCT/Nisei Veteran Events, 442 Sons & Daughters Events

Join Us for the 442nd RCT 76th Anniversary Luncheon, Saturday March 16th

442nd Regimental Combat Team 76th Anniversary Luncheon March 16, 2019 ~ Saturday Hale Ikena, Fort Shafter, Honolulu *10:30 AM – Veterans Group Photograph 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM 100th/442nd/MIS/1399th Nisei Veterans, Wives and Widows will be Guests; No charge • All Others $37.00 • Deadline to submit payment & registration – Monday, March 1, 2019 There will be 442nd Go For Broke Logo Souvenir Sales Need a ride? Call Claire, at 949-7997 Make checks payable to 442nd Legacy Center (note “76th luncheon” on your check). Send with Completed 2 page Attached Registration Form to: 442nd Legacy Center 933 Wiliwili Street Honolulu, HI 96826 If you have any questions, please contact the 442 Clubhouse at 949-7997, put image of email address here or Mae Isonaga at...

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442 Sons & Daughters Events

2019 Christmas Party

Please join us for our annual Christmas party on Saturday, December 7 at 11am, at the 100th Battalion Clubhouse, 520 Kamoku Street in Honolulu. Parking is available at Ala Wai School.

  • Adults – $20.00
  • Children Ages 4-11 – $10.00

LOTS OF ONOLICIOUS FOOD, GOOD FUN AND PRIZES FOR ALL!! You are welcome to bring a grab bag valued at no more than $10.00 for your child or grandchild.

We need a lot of volunteers to help. Donations are appreciated!! PLEASE COME WITH YOUR CANNED GOODS FOR THE HAWAII FOOD BANK!!

RSVP BY Friday, November 29, 2019. Click on the picture below to print form and mail back with your payment. Thanks!

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442 Sons & Daughters Events

442nd RCT Annual Banquet

The 442nd Regimental Combat Team Annual Banquet has been rescheduled once again to Saturday, March 26, 2022.   It was originally planned for three different dates in 2021.    When            Saturday, 26 March 2022 Time             10:00am-1:00pm Where           Hale Ikena, Building 711, Morton Drive, Fort ShafterCost              tbd per person (WWII 442nd Veterans/spouses/widows complimentary)  Note              There will be a slight increase over the 2020 cost of $39 due to a possible 2022 increase from Hale Ikena.   Registration: Save the date for now – further information for registration will be sent in due time. For planning purposes it would be really helpful to have a rough estimate of the number of attendees.  Could...

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