
442SD General Membership Meeting

May 27, 2012

The Sons & Daughters of the 442 RCT held their annual General Membership Meeting on Sunday, May 20, 2012. The luncheon was held at the Treetops Restaurant in Manoa. Members were able to socialize over lunch and watch a short video presentation: “Going for Honor, Going for Broke: the 442 Story”, produced by George T. Johnston. The meeting included a brief update of the ongoing projects and events. In addition, the members also voted for the new officers for the Chapter:

  • Wes Deguchi:          President
  • Al Sadanaga:           1st Vice President
  • Wade Wasano:        2nd Vice President
  • Shirley Igarashi:       Treasurer
  • Susan Yoshitomi:     Secretary

Click below to view photos of the event, courtsey of Clyde Sugimoto.