
Sons & Daughters Of The 442nd RCT Christmas Party

January 22, 2014

The Sons & Daughters Of The 442nd RCT annual Christmas Party was held on December 15, 2013, Sunday morning at the Treetops Restaurant.  It was also our last monthly meeting of the year.  Sadly, it was our last get together at the Treetops Restaurant as the owner has decided to retire and close the restaurant.  Will miss the ono food that we have enjoyed for years.

All who attended had a merry time with fantastic food, creative games, singing Christmas Caroles, and the arrival of Santa for the children!  There were prizes galore, everyone went home with a bagful of goodies.

The elections of the 2014 officers was held and we would like to thank the following people for their time and service to the Sons & Daughters of the 442nd RCT: President – Wesley Deguchi, 1st Vice-President – Byrnes Yamashita, 2nd Vice-President – Wade Wasano, Secretary – Susan Yoshitomi, and Treasurer – Shirley Igarashi.

Click on the link below to enjoy the photos of this merry event: