442nd RCT Unit Roster

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100th Battalion, B Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) B Company (M-Z)

View all members of 442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) B Company (M-Z) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Maeda James Yoshio 100.B-Co   Maeda Katsumi 100.B-Co Pvt Maeda Richard Liyoichi 100.B-Co Pvt Maesaka Yasunobu 100.B-Co Pvt Maeyama Henry H. 100.B-Co Pfc Makabe Haruto H. 100.B-Co Pfc Masashi Susumu E 100.B-Co Sgt Masatsugu Nobuichi 100.B-Co Pfc Masuda James T. 100.B-Co Sgt Masunaga Kiyoshi 100.B_Co Pfc Matsuda Takashi 100.B-Co Pvt Matsui Yeiki 100.B-Co 1st Sgt Matsumoto Benny T. 100.B-Co Tec/4 Matsumoto Cherry 100.B-Co Pfc Matsumoto Koyei 100.B-Co Pvt Matsumoto Mitsuo Matt 100.B-Co Pfc Matsumoto Thomas M. 100.B-Co S/Sgt Matsumoto Yoshikatsu 100.B-Co Pfc Matsunaga Joseph J. 100.B-Co Pvt Matsunaga Kiyoshi 100.B-Co Pvt Matsuoka Satoshi 100.B_Co Pfc Matsushima Kazuo 100.B_Co Pvt Matsuura Hiroshi Robert 100.B-Co Pvt Matsuzaki Sumisu 100.B-Co...

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100th Battalion, B Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) B Company (A-L)

All members of the 442 1st Battalion B Company (A-L) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Akama Paul T. 100.B-Co Pfc Akamine Bernard S. 100.B-Co Sgt Akamine Eishin M 100.B-Co Pfc Akamine Seitoku 100.B-Co Pfc Akazawa Masayoshi 100.B-Co Sgt Akimoto Harding K. 100.B-Co   Akiyoshi Tamotsu 100.B-Co Pfc Akizuki Akinori 100.B-Co Pfc Akutagawa Kazuaki 100.B-Co Sgt Amazaki Eichi Larry 100.B-Co Cpl Amino Johnny T. 100.B-Co Pfc Anamizu Toshio 100.B-Co Pfc Anderson Daniel J. 100.B_Co 2nd Lt Aoki Isamu I. 100.B-Co Pfc Aoki Robert Hagemu 100.B-Co Pvt Aoki Robert Hatsuji 100.B-Co Pvt Aono Yutaka 100.B-Co Pfc Arakaki Jiro 100.B-Co Pfc Arakaki Shigeo 100.B-Co Pfc Arao David Mitsukuni 100.B-Co Pfc Arii William Esao 100.B-Co T/Sgt Arita Hiroaki 100.B_Co Pvt Asai Ralph Yukio 100.B_Co Pfc Asano Yasuo Charles...

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