442nd RCT Unit Roster

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100th Battalion, A Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) A Company (M-Z)

View all 442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) A Company (M-Z) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Maeda George Ekiwo 100.A-Co S/Sgt Maeda Hisashi 100.A-Co Pfc Maeda Kiyoshi 100.A-Co Sgt Maeda Seichi James 100.A-Co Pfc Maeda Wallace M. 100.A-Co S/Sgt Maeda Yoshiichi 100.A-Co Pfc Maeshiro Morimasa 100.A-Co Pfc Maki Shiro 100.A-Co   Manago Takashi 100.A-Co S/Sgt Maruo Paul Kuneshige 100.A-Co Sgt Masaki Matsumi 100.A-Co Pfc Masamitsu James Dimi 100.A-Co Pfc Mashita Masa 100.A_Co Pvt Masuda Minoru 100.A-Co Pfc Masuda Takashi 100.A-Co Pfc Masumoto Irving T. 100.A-Co Sgt Masumura Lawrence Kidan 100.A_Co Sgt Matsuda Don 100.A-Co Pfc Matsuda James Seiichi 100.A-Co 1st Sgt Matsueda Keiichiro K. 100.A-Co Pfc Matsui Jiro 100.A-Co S/Sgt Matsui Kiyoshi Larry 100.A-Co Pfc Matsukawa  Hiroshi 100.A_Co Pfc Matsumoto Albert M. 100.A-Co Pfc Matsumoto...

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100th Battalion, B Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) B Company (M-Z)

View all members of 442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) B Company (M-Z) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Maeda James Yoshio 100.B-Co   Maeda Katsumi 100.B-Co Pvt Maeda Richard Liyoichi 100.B-Co Pvt Maesaka Yasunobu 100.B-Co Pvt Maeyama Henry H. 100.B-Co Pfc Makabe Haruto H. 100.B-Co Pfc Masashi Susumu E 100.B-Co Sgt Masatsugu Nobuichi 100.B-Co Pfc Masuda James T. 100.B-Co Sgt Masunaga Kiyoshi 100.B_Co Pfc Matsuda Takashi 100.B-Co Pvt Matsui Yeiki 100.B-Co 1st Sgt Matsumoto Benny T. 100.B-Co Tec/4 Matsumoto Cherry 100.B-Co Pfc Matsumoto Koyei 100.B-Co Pvt Matsumoto Mitsuo Matt 100.B-Co Pfc Matsumoto Thomas M. 100.B-Co S/Sgt Matsumoto Yoshikatsu 100.B-Co Pfc Matsunaga Joseph J. 100.B-Co Pvt Matsunaga Kiyoshi 100.B-Co Pvt Matsuoka Satoshi 100.B_Co Pfc Matsushima Kazuo 100.B_Co Pvt Matsuura Hiroshi Robert 100.B-Co Pvt Matsuzaki Sumisu 100.B-Co...

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100th Battalion, C Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) C Company (M-Z)

View all members of 442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) C Company (M-Z) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Maeda Shigeo 100.C-Co Pfc Maeda Yoshiyuki 100.C-Co Pfc Maehara Saburo 100.C_Co 1st Lt Magarifuji Richard K. 100.C_Co Pfc Magata Hiroshi 100.C-Co Sgt Maida Shigeo 100.C-Co   Makihira Tadaharu Joseph 100.C-Co Pfc Marzano Rocco G.(A.?) 100.C-Co   Masaki Tokumi 100.C-Co Pfc Masuda Yoshito 100.C_Co Pfc Masuda Kazuto 100.C-Co Pfc Masumoto Noriyoshi 100.C-Co Pvt Masushige George 100.C-Co Pfc Masutani Floyd K. 100.C-Co   Matsui Masao 100.C_Co Pfc Matsui George M. 100.C-Co   Matsumoto Sadao 100.C_Co Pvt Matsumoto Soichi 100.C-Co Pvt Matsumura Kaoru 100.C-Co Pvt Matsumura Tom Tokio 100.C-Co Tec/3 Matsuo Yoshiichi 100.C-Co Sgt Matsusaki Joseph H. 100.C-Co Pfc Matsushige George 100.C-Co   Matsuura Hiroshi I. 100.C-Co Pfc Matsuura Naoto...

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100th Battalion, 100th Battalion Headquarters

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) HQ

All 442 1st Battalion HQ members Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Abe James P. 100.Hq-Co S/Sgt Aimoto Yoshito 100.Hq-Co Pfc Akahoshi Irving Mitsuo 100.Hq-Co Pfc Aki (Chaplain) George 100.Hq-Co Major Akimoto Akira 100.Hq-Co Cpl Amaki Harry H. 100.Hq-Co Cpl Anzai Wataru 100.Hq-Co Tec/5 Aoki George Joji 100.Hq-Co M/Sgt Arai George K. 100.Hq-Co Tec/4 Arakaki Anse Raymond 100.Hq-Co Pfc Asato Shokin 100.Hq-Co Capt Azuma Jitsuo Lawrence 100.Hq-Co Blytt William H. 100.Hq-Co Major Bonin Victor Joseph 100.Hq-Co Capt Carter George 100.Hq-Co 2nd Lt Chapman John G. 100.Hq-Co Chipman Herbert Wayne 100.Hq-Co 1st Lt Chipman, Jr. Albert Byron 100.Hq-Co 2nd Lt Clough Jr. Casper 100.Hq-Co Major Conley Jack Edward 100.Hq-Co Lt Col Corbin Paul Edmund 100.Hq-Co 1st Lt De Maiolo Frank Alex 100.Hq-Co Capt Dewey George L....

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100th Battalion, A Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) A Company (A-L)

View all members of 442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) A Company (A-L) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Abe Masaru 100.A-Co T/Sgt Abe Oliver Saburo 100.A-Co S/Sgt Abe Tatsuo 100.A-Co S/Sgt Abe Wallace Shunosuke 100.A-Co Pfc Abe Yasuaki George 100.A-Co Pfc Adachi Keiji R. 100.A-Co Pfc Adachi Kenichi Ken 100.A-Co S/Sgt Adachi Robert 100.A-Co   Adachi Ted Teruo 100.A-Co Pfc Afuso Robert T. 100.A-Co S/Sgt Ajimura Masaichi 100.A-Co Pvt Akaba Kenji 100.A-Co Pfc Akagi Kenichi 100.A-Co S/Sgt Akagi Nagaaki 100.A-Co Pfc Akahoshi Yutaka Larry 100.A-Co Pfc Akamine Genkichi 100.A-Co Pfc Akamine James J. 100.A-Co S/Sgt Akimoto Victor 100.A_Co Pvt Akimura Tadashi 100.A-Co   Akiyama George 100.A-Co S/Sgt Akiyama Masao Fred 100.A-Co Sgt Akiyama Shuji M 100.A-Co Tec/5 Alapai Abraham 100.A-Co S/Sgt Amimoto Satomi 100.A-Co Pfc...

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100th Battalion, B Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) B Company (A-L)

All members of the 442 1st Battalion B Company (A-L) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Akama Paul T. 100.B-Co Pfc Akamine Bernard S. 100.B-Co Sgt Akamine Eishin M 100.B-Co Pfc Akamine Seitoku 100.B-Co Pfc Akazawa Masayoshi 100.B-Co Sgt Akimoto Harding K. 100.B-Co   Akiyoshi Tamotsu 100.B-Co Pfc Akizuki Akinori 100.B-Co Pfc Akutagawa Kazuaki 100.B-Co Sgt Amazaki Eichi Larry 100.B-Co Cpl Amino Johnny T. 100.B-Co Pfc Anamizu Toshio 100.B-Co Pfc Anderson Daniel J. 100.B_Co 2nd Lt Aoki Isamu I. 100.B-Co Pfc Aoki Robert Hagemu 100.B-Co Pvt Aoki Robert Hatsuji 100.B-Co Pvt Aono Yutaka 100.B-Co Pfc Arakaki Jiro 100.B-Co Pfc Arakaki Shigeo 100.B-Co Pfc Arao David Mitsukuni 100.B-Co Pfc Arii William Esao 100.B-Co T/Sgt Arita Hiroaki 100.B_Co Pvt Asai Ralph Yukio 100.B_Co Pfc Asano Yasuo Charles...

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100th Battalion, C Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) C Company (A-L)

All members of the 442 1st Battalion C Company (A-L) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Adaniya Seigi 100.C-Co S/Sgt Ajitomi Matsuei 100.C_Co Pvt Ajitomi Tokio  100.C_Co Pfc Akamatsu Kaoru Peter 100.C-Co 2nd Lt Akimoto  John 100.C_Co Pfc Akita Stanley Masaharu 100.C-Co Tec/5 Akiyama  Hideo 100.C_Co Pfc Allison Leon B. 100.C-Co   Amano Sakuji 100.C-Co Pvt Anamizu Kiyohei 100.C-Co Pfc Ando Yoshito 100.C-Co S/Sgt Anzai Yoshio 100.C-Co Pfc Aoki Masanori 100.C-Co Sgt Arakaki Koyei Al 100.C-Co T/Sgt Arakaki Takeo 100.C-Co Pfc Arakaki Teiichi Fredrick 100.C-Co Pfc Arakaki Yasukichi 100.C-Co Pfc Arakawa David M. 100.C-Co Pfc Arakawa Seiki 100.C-Co   Arakawa Sue Shuye 100.C-Co Pfc Araki Masashi 100.C_Co Pfc Arashiro Yukio 100.C-Co Pfc Aratani Augustine Y. 100.C-Co Pvt Arima Jim T. 100.C-Co Pfc Arima Wallace S....

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100th Battalion, D Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) D Company (A-L)

All members of the 442 1st Battalion D Company (A-L) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Abe Isamu S. 100.D-Co Sgt Abe Yukio Eric 100.D-Co S/Sgt Aburano Akio 100.D-Co Pfc Agena Richard Shinyei 100.D-Co Pfc Akutagawa Don Dr 100.D-Co Cpl Alexander Henry Wm. 100.D-Co   Ando Noboru 100.D-Co Sgt Aoki Isami 100.D-Co Pfc Aoki Shigeyasu 100.D-Co Pfc Aoki Shiro 100.D-Co S/Sgt Arakaki Kisuke 100.D-Co Pfc Arakaki Kosuke James 100.D-Co Tec/4 Arakaki Seiki 100.D-Co Sgt Arakawa Jenkichi J. 100.D-Co Cpl Arakawa Paul Y. 100.D-Co Sgt Ariyasu Seiki 100.D-Co Pfc Ariyasu Tatsuya 100.D-Co Pfc Asato Paul Eishin 100.D-Co Pfc Aseka Richard Atsushi 100.D-Co S/Sgt Azuma Paul Satoru 100.D-Co Pfc Chinen Seiko Wallace 100.D-Co Pfc Cole Sperry S. 100.D-Co   Conner Gray Cloudy 100.D_Co 1st Lt Coyne Charles...

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100th Battalion, F Company (100th)

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) F Company

All members of the 442 1st Battalion F Company Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Azuma Taira 100.F-Co   Baba Yoshito 100.F-Co Pvt Boodry James 100.F_Co 1st Lt Fujimori Edward Matao 100.F-Co   Fujimoto Masao 100.F-Co Pfc Fujita Richard Y. 100.F-Co Pfc Fukunaga Chester Takumi 100.F_Co Pfc Harada Teruo 100.F-Co   Hashimoto Teruo 100.F-Co   Hashizume Hisao 100.F_Co Cpl Heyada Kanichi H. 100.F-Co   Higashi Taichi 100.F-Co Pvt Iha Kenichi 100.F-Co   Kadooka Walter Chitoshi 100.F_Co Pvt Kaneko Charles Takeshi 100.F-Co T/Sgt Kanetani Isamu 100.F_Co Pvt Kapuniai Robert 100.F-Co n/a Kawamoto George 100.F-Co   Kawanishi Kikumatsu Frank 100.F_Co Pvt Makishi Matsutada 100.F_Co Sgt Masaki Mac Jitsumi 100.F-Co Tec/5 Matsumoto Tomio T. 100.F_Co Cpl Meier Alvin Joseph 100.F-Co 1st Lt Miyagawa Jitsuo Jay 100.F-Co   Miyasaki...

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100th Battalion, Medical Company

442nd/100th Medical Company

All members of the 442nd/100th Medical Company Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Abe George Y. 100.Med-Co Tec/5 Abe James S. 100.Med-Co Tec/4 Akinaka Isaac F. 100.Med-Co Tec/4 Akisada Fumio 100.Med-Co Tec/5 Arakawa Jack N. 100.Med-Co   Aramaki Tadao Ted 100.Med-Co Pfc Arisumi Toru 100.Med-Co Tec/4 Asakawa Jack Noboru 100.Med-Co Pvt Chinen Richard K. 100.Med-Co Pfc Dahl John J. 100.Med-Co Capt Daido Sadamu 100.Med-Co Pvt Dochin Niroku 100.Med-Co Pfc Enomoto Jun 100.Med-Co Tec/3 Fujishige Tadashi 100.Med-Co Tec/5 Goma Teruo 100.Med-Co Tec/4 Goto Masaichi 100.Med-Co S/Sgt Gushikuma Takegi 100.Med-Co Pvt Harada Harold Shigetaka 100.Med-Co Tec/3 Harai Takashi 100.Med-Co Pvt Hatakenaka Roy Tadashi 100.Med-Co Tec/4 Hayashi Ralph M. 100.Med-Co Tec/3 Hayashida Hideyuki 100.Md_Co Tec/5 Higashida Wataru Walter 100.Med-Co Pfc Hirahara Tomosu 100.Med-Co   Horita Tadao 100.Med-Co Pfc...

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100th Battalion, D Company

442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) D Company (M-Z)

All members of 442nd 1st Battalion (100th Infantry) D Company (M-Z) Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Mamiya Yoshio Buddy 100.D-Co Cpl Marumoto Shigeki 100.D-Co S/Sgt Masaki Isami         100.D-Co Pvt Masaki Masao John 100.D-Co Pfc Masamitsu Tom Toshihiko 100.D-Co Sgt Masumoto Stanley K. 100.D-Co Cpl Matsuda Heiso 100.D-Co Tec/5 Matsudo Seizen 100.D-Co Cpl Matsumoto Masatoshi 100.D-Co Pvt Matsumura Isami 100.D-Co Pfc Matsunaga Spark Masayuki 100.D-Co 1st Lt Matsunami Sadashi 100.D-Co Pfc Matsushige Tameji 100.D-Co Tec/4 Mayeda Masayuki Mike 100.D-Co Pfc McKelvy Robert Joseph 100.D-Co Capt Mekata Thomas Tomotsu 100.D_Co Cpl Mende Harumi 100.D-Co T/Sgt Michioka Wataru 100.D-Co Cpl Migaki Joe M. 100.D-Co Pfc Mikami Masao 100.D-Co Pfc Minaga Chico 100.D-Co S/Sgt Minamiji Masaharu 100.D-Co S/Sgt Minamoto Ned N. 100.D-Co   Mine Jumpei 100.D-Co Pfc Miota...

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100th Battalion, E Company (100th)

442nd/100th Battalion E Company

View all 442nd/100th Battalion E Company Last Name First Name Unit/Co/Class Rank Anastasio Angelo 100.E-Co   Arakawa Jackie Z. 100.E-Co   Furuichi Kiyoshi 100.E-Co Pvt Harada Kenneth Wasato 100.E-Co 2nd Lt Hayashida Ted Y. 100.E-Co   Higashi  Harold Tanoshi 100.E_Co Cpl Hiraki Mitsuo 100.E_Co Pvt Iyamatsu Thomas T. 100.E-Co   Jinnohara Katsui 100.E_Co Sgt Jones  Robert E. 100.E-Co   Kagawa Yasuo 100.E_Co Pvt Katahira Masao 100.E-Co   Kawakami Kenichi Clyde 100.E-Co Pvt Kawano  Tetsuo 100.E_Co Pvt Kinoshita  Richard Kunito 100.E_Co Sgt Kitsu Raymond Keiji 100.E-Co M/Sgt Kumabe Noboru Paul 100.E-Co Pfc Kuroda Ichiji H. 100.E_Co Pfc Kuwaye Yoshihide   100.E-Co Pvt Kuwazaki Yoshiharu Eddie 100.E-Co Pvt Lee George S. H. 100.E-Co Cpl Mana Seiso James 100.E_Co Pvt Matsuo Fred Tatsuji 100.E-Co Cpl Mitsukado Edward Hideo “Eddie”...

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100th Battalion, 442 RCT/Nisei Veteran Events, Past Events

75th Anniversary Banquet “Diamond Jubilee” of the 100th Infantry Battalion

The Sons and Daughters of the 442nd were well represented at the 100th Battalion’s 75th Anniversary Banquet, which was held on Sunday, July 23, 10am-2pm, at the Pomaikai Ballroom at Dole Cannery. We had two full tables – including officers Grace Fujii, Juanita Allen and Shirley Igarashi, and members Gwen and Clayton Fujie, Glenn and Edean Goya, Lynn Heirakuji, Phyllis Hironaka, Anita Nihei and Ken Akinaka. Wes Deguchi, representing the NVL, was also present. (Sorry if we missed anyone.) Also our guests Mr. and Mrs. King Lit Ching sat with us. He is the son of Hung Wai Ching, who in 1940 was part of the Hawaii Council for Interracial Unity that helped prepare the local Issei community for the impending war. King Lit is...

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